From Diesel to Gasoline - Drive Efficiently

These days, we hear more and more about the rising cost of gasoline and diesel, and how it can affect our pocketbook. Without doubt, high fuel rates mean that driving to work, school, or even the grocery store has become more expensive than ever. Fortunately, there are a number of ways in which individuals who wish to become more “fuel efficient” can do so. Saving money at the pump, purchasing a fuel efficient vehicle, scheduling engine tune-ups, driving more efficiently, and evaluating tire pressure are all effective methods of promoting fuel efficiency. Individuals who have additional questions about the promotion of fuel efficiency may want to consider consultation with an expert in the field. An automotive engineer or qualified mechanic may be able to provide additional information about the promotion of fuel efficiency for your car, truck, or SUV.

Saving Money at the Pump

For many individuals, saving money at the pump may be the first line of defense when it comes to saving on gasoline or diesel. While there are a number of ways in which individuals can save money at the pump, one of the easiest may be simply buying from the most inexpensive filling station around. Smartphone applications can provide users with information about the nearest gas station with the least expensive gas. By stopping at an inexpensive filling station that is on the way to your destination, you will not waste fuel, and can get a great deal as you fill your tank.

Purchasing a Fuel Efficient Vehicle

Purchasing a fuel efficient vehicle is another effective way in which consumers can save money at the pump. While the definition of a fuel efficient vehicle may vary depending on who you ask, most individuals agree that a car, truck, or SUV that gets at least 30 miles per gallon is “fuel efficient.” There are a number of small cars currently available for purchase that rely on the use of gasoline and provide at least 30 miles per gallon. Individuals who are interested in an even more fuel efficient vehicle may want to purchase a hybrid car, which relies on both gas and electricity. Similarly, electric cars do not require any gasoline, and can be significantly more efficient to drive.

Engine Tune-Ups

Engine tune-ups are also important for the maintenance of fuel efficiency. Most experts agree that an engine that is not functioning properly can decrease fuel efficiency rates by as much as 20%. For best results, an engine should be tuned at least once every six months. Individuals who drive long distances on a regular basis should have their engine serviced more frequently. Be sure to work with a qualified mechanic during engine tune-ups to ensure optimal results.

Driving More Efficiently

Individuals who wish to save on gasoline or diesel may want to consider their own driving patterns. Aggressive driving, in which individuals rapidly speed up and slow down, has been found to be quite detrimental when it comes to saving on fuel. In addition, driving at excessive speeds may also lead to fuel inefficiency. Some research suggests that the fuel efficiency of a vehicle decreases dramatically above speeds of 60 miles per hour. Using cruise control and limiting aggressive driving may be an effective way of saving fuel while on the road.

Tire and Passenger Fuel Economy

Finally, the quality of your tires can play a substantial role in effecting the fuel efficiency of a car, truck, or SUV. Many experts agree that a tire which is low in air can decrease fuel efficiency rates quite dramatically. Unfortunately, identifying when a tire is low in air can be quite difficult—especially in the early stages of air loss. Individuals who are dedicated to the maintenance of fuel economy may want to consider checking the air pressure of their tires on a weekly basis to identify possible leaks as they develop. A qualified mechanic or the manufacturer of the automobile should be able to provide information as to the ideal tire pressure for your vehicle.

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What others are saying...

“Be assured, this is NO gimmick. Arrived yesterday (less then 24 hours after the order was placed) and fitted today. The fitting was easy especially with the photos and instructions sent with the chip. The first thing I noticed was the responsiveness of the engine from a standing start, no more lag. I then went on a 30 minute drive both motorway and sideroads and my average fuel consumption went UP from 33.3mpg to 38.7mpg. My motorway speed varied from 60 to 85mph and the sideroads from zero to 40mph. I am so pleased with the whole result. This is worth every single penny paid. Thank you!”


Edwin from Bridgend

Ford Kuga MK2 2.0 TDCi 163

“As do many, I took the 'if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is' approach to performance chips. But CHIP Express were recommended by an impeccable source who had had experience with their product on my model of car - a Citroën C6 with the 2.7 HDi twin turbo diesel. Following a first rate response to a query, the product has delivered in spades. Ten days and more than 1000 miles of mixed town, country, low and high speed driving later I am certainly getting more than 10% more from a gallon, and probably 15%, and the performance is markedly better. Low speed response is immediate and has eradicated what I took to be baked-in lag in a big automatic turbo diesel, and mid-range acceleration is silky smooth, including up inclines. A very good car has been turned into the excellent car I had hoped for all along.”


Simon from Ketteringham

Citroen C6 2.7 HDi 204

“May I congratulate you on this diesel tuning product as it has made a noticeable difference to my Land Rover Discovery. I have tried other diesel tuning boxes for my previous vehicles (Kia Sorento, Peugeot 206 and Vauxhall Vectra)... and they all produced slight engine stuttering under certain load conditions. The CHIP Express system does not show any evidence of this and is equal to the likes of an ECU remap (which I have also had done before) for smoothness and noticeable power gains. This would be the only diesel tuning product I would recommend.”


James from Callington

Land Rover Discovery (3) 2.7 TDV6 190

“I must say l'm delighted with the improvement from your chip, its on the standard settings and the difference in the car is amazing!!! I have a smile on my face every time I get in the car, and there is about 5-7mpg improvement. With the mileage l do, l can see myself getting my money back in no time at all. So if your a doubter like me, don't be because its one of the best things l've ever bought!!!”


Ian from Manchester

Audi A6 MK4 3.0 BiTDI 313

“Many thanks for your fantastic service! Unit ordered Sunday, delivered Tuesday am!! Unit now fitted and, as promised, the car is transformed. Winding country lanes tackled quite happily in fifth gear. Cruising on much smaller throttle openings and immediate response on acceleration. The car behaves as a mini car should behave. I had some initial doubts about spending quite a large amount of money on this item but it is worth every penny and would not hesitate to advise anyone to do similar.”


Alan from Coventry

Suzuki Swift 1.3 DDIS 75

“A friend recommended one of your "gadgets" a year ago and being not-very-techno (but Scottish and keen to save money!) I bought one. The gizmo has TRANSFORMED the performance of my Land Rover Freelander 2 TD4 AND improved the fuel economy by a genuine 15%; so much so that I have bought another one for our Freelander 2 SD4 which is now a REAL Q-car! (And of course saves fuel...) I have never written a review before (though strangely I do read them and take notice of them, whilst half-believing that they are written by the owner's chums!) so to have made me pick up pen & paper so to speak - I MUST be delighted! Thanks for making technology so simple and so successful!”


Andrew from Lochwinnoch

Land Rover Freelander (2) SD4 190